Lux’s global ult and decrease CD in spells

Hey ! Good day this is HG giving you latest updates of LoL: WR

Earlier of May Riot is teasing us with it’s new developments in Wild Rift like change in Cooldowns of spells , New names for lanes , warding tactics , animations . Now with the major changes in-game can we really expect this to be more like LoL in PC ? We’ll find that out as soon as the game is release .

For now let’s discuss the changes in WILD RIFT ,

(I am not the owner of this picture)

First is Lux’s ultimate range,

Now this a little bit surprising but Lux’s ultimate is now Global . Imagine having a bad lane and lost 3/4 of your HP and suddenly a laser pops out and you die , but Lux was at the top lane and you’re at bottom , imagine having that sh*t popping out of nowhere haha rough as hell .

I would expect Lux would be the target of most bans in rank games . With this development on her ulti she can participate in any fights on any part of the map .

This is more like playing URF haha .

(I am not the owner of this picture)

Also 7 confirmed spells with a huge upgrade , the cooldown reduction is now half by numbers . Imagine having an Ignite in less than a minute maaaan everybody is burning 😂 Like I said earlier a mini version of URF haha

Also an update to My last content , there are 41 confirmed Champions to join the fray ,

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Again this is HG giving you the latest update signing off 😁

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