Starting champions & device specs to run LoL: WILD RIFT

As We know last year during the celebration of 10 year anniversary of League of Legends , Riotgames announced LoL:Wild rift and now on February 2020 , Unity announced their partnership with Riot to bring LOL:WR in mobile devices and consoles which is I think a good move for Riot now that the realized the huge potential of MOBA .

So what are the differences between LoL:WR and LoL in PC ?

According to Riot , “We basically rebuilt the game from scratch but keeping the true form of League of Legends gameplay we already know , but we want to make sure Wild Rift feels like it waas designed for new platforms”

And so here are the 22 starting champions for season 1 :

Shyvana , Master Yi , Alistar , Ahri , Jinx , Soraka , Vayne , Jax , Ziggs , Garen , Vi , Ezrael , Fiora , Fizz , Annie , Nasus , Lux , Miss Fortune , Oriana , Ashe , Nami , Twisted Fate .

I think with this starting champions , It can provide us a decent LoL experience plus the In-game thrills we experienced in mobile devices and consoles . A well balanced lineup with support , midlane , ADR , jungler , and tank .

And for the specs of mobile devices needed to run this game , Riot is targeting the mobile devices with lower specs to make the game more accesible . For android devices Having atleast 1gb of RAM , Adreno 306 GPU , and Snapdragom 410 processor . For IOS devices atleast Iphone 6 .

That’s all and don’t forget to Follow our page on FB and Twitter for easy esports updates .

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