Moonton lunched it’s update on April 20 , 2020 , with a promising and intriguing hero . Giving us another unique and challenging experience by being able to control 2 units , the same concept as Lone Druid in Dota/Dota 2 with his bear 🐻 ( i call it Oso bear lol ) .

Popol having Kupa with him makes him a treat in early – mid game . As Kupa his best buddy , gives him burst damage and decent control to enemy Heroes.

I personally like this new Hero because of what his capable of in early game , like farming without the need of a tank or another teammates , can push tower heavily , can solo kill Lord and Turtle 🐢 in early game and contest enemy jungle (just don’t over commit) . I just bought him yesterday and try 5 classic games
3W – 2L (F**k my teammates and enemy team) but it was a good experience , Within 7 min mark I solo pushed 3 towers in top lane ( I play objectively like how i play in dota , I don’t focus on kills so please focus on objective ) and snowball throughout the game .

Based on my experienced you need to be careful going against hard cc (crowd control) heroes like Khufra ,Minotaur ,Tigreal , Guinevere and etc. if you do encounter 1 or 2 of the said heroes try to equip PURIFY .

Also be aware of Kupa’s health, Popol is not that much potent without Kupa with him.

The Items I built ( you can adjust if you want)

I prefer this build because of high damage and crit rate it gives , but again you can also decide on what item is good for him or try to check some professional players’ item build .

Popol and Kupa is now available for BP 32000 / 599 Diamonds .

Play MLBB and try Popol & Kupa and withness how their friendship raise you’re rank you EPIC sh*t lol haha .

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for more updates . Shhkkkpowww

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